Positive Thinking Lessons for Children

Positive Thinking Lessons for ChildrenOne of the most effective ways to get children thinking positively is to show them positive thinking by example when they are going through the developmental stages of self doubt. These stages are easily spotted when children are always comparing themselves to their friends, seeing themselves as unable to achieve, or exhibiting an unwillingness to try. As stated here, those are general characteristics because young people can apply them to a very-wide number of everyday situations in home, in play and at school. Since the very young are inclined to copy their parents and older siblings, teaching positive thinking by example and comparison becomes quite an effective tool.

Our world is rife with negativity. Children will benefit very much from adopting positive attitudes that will keep them on the right path. And doing so when they are very young and in the midst of personality developments is the perfect time to instill the importance of thinking positively.

When children exhibit obviously negative responses to everyday situations, that’s the perfect time to counter with positive thinking alternatives. For example, if the child tells you, “Daddy, I just can’t do this.” A good positive retort would be, “I have faith in you. Take your time and give it another try.” Or if the child says, “I’m just can’t understand math.” you might answer, ” I wasn’t either at your age, but I kept trying and finally got it. I know you can too if you really try.” One more good example might be if he or she tell you, “I’m no good at ice skating. I keep falling down. I want to go home.” You might very well respond by saying, “It’s always tough to do something new for the first time. Remember, you had the same problem learning to ride a 2-wheel bike. Keep at it. I know you’ll learn soon.” The forgoing are all situations where you can counter a negative impression with a positive thinking alternative. Done on as regular basis, it works!

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Don’t take the risk that your child will develop positive thinking habits on their own. Teach by example and provide positive alternatives. You might also secure one of many available children’s books that teach this on their learning level and read it with them. This is a valuable adjunct to any program. Take control of positive thinking education for your child. The results you’ll see will be well worth your effort.