How to Use Meditation For Super Performance

Think you know meditation? Go beyond a purely spiritual tool and learn to use Meditation to actually help you become a powerhouse at work and a magnet that attracts good things into your life. This Free Masterclass “Meditation For Super Performance” is with Emily Fletcher, Meditation Expert who’s taught at Google and Harvard. Interested? Click here to Join

Enrich your life with meditation in Emily Fletcher’s new Free Masterclass
“Meditation for Super Performance”

A quick summary of what you’ll learn in this (free!) Masterclass:

  • Get Rid of These 3 Useless Myths about Meditation. Let go of myths that may be holding you back and making you feel like a meditation failure. Re-frame ‘focus,’ stop trying to ‘clear your mind’ and learn to use the breath to prime your body for meditation.
  • Discover the THREE ways you can make your life richer with meditation. Every school should teach this. #3 is a common tool used by billionaires and world leaders.
  • Try the Dinner-Party-Guest exercise with Emily. This ingenious exercise lets you understand why people act the way they do towards you. Become the friend everyone wants.
  • Understand the concept of Adaptation Energy. This is the secret of high performers and perhaps some of the most successful people you know. Learn how to start using this energy to adapt more elegantly to life’s demands.
  • Experience a 15-minute guided Meditation with Emily. When you learn this technique, you can use it in your life at any time for a boost of energy and to help you release stress that may be holding you back.
Read also:  Free Gift: 21 Meditations on Love

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About Emily Fletcher

Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She was invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center. But that is a stark contrast to the busy, stressed Broadway performer that she was years earlier. During her 10-year career on Broadway, which included roles in Chicago, The Producers & A Chorus Line, she began going gray at 27, suffered from insomnia and was getting sick 4-5 times a year.

Thankfully, she discovered a powerful meditation practice that cured her insomnia and improved her health on the first day. Her transformation was so dramatic that she felt inspired to share it with others. After years of studying ancient practices in India and teaching thousands of high performers, Emily created Ziva Meditation. It is a mental technique that combines the stress-relieving benefits of meditation with the mental clarity of mindfulness. She takes the woo-woo out of meditation and makes it attractive and easy to implement.

Nearly 5,000 students have made meditation a daily habit through Ziva’s live and online courses. Graduates include Oscar, Grammy and Tony award winners, as well as NBA athletes, CEO’s, busy parents and everyone in between.

Read also:  Basic Meditation Exercises

Meditation for Super Performance Free Masterclass with Emily Fletcher