15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy [Meditation]

Happiness. It’s really the goal that all of us seek.

Ask yourself why you want to achieve any of the things on your 3 Most Important Questions enough times, and you’ll inevitably realize that the underlying reason is that you want to be happy.
The thing is, so many of us get so caught up with adding more layers of habits or pursuing new passions, hoping it’ll bring more happiness into our lives. And although there’s nothing wrong with that all…

There’s a real danger of unintentionally pinning your happiness solely on the success of a goal. (How many times have you caught yourself saying, “Once I get X,Y & Z, then I’ll be happy”? There’s a way to avoid this and it’s called Avoiding The Gap – but that’s for another day).

That’s why I want to share this with you. It’s a free meditation track called “15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy” by Luminita Daniela Saviuc, author of the blog PurposeFairy.com. Her meditation is based on an insanely viral blog post of the same name, and was shared over 1.2 million times on Facebook.

Read also:  Relaxing Music Therapy Hypnotizing Drive Through The Canyons

It became the most viral personal growth article in the history of the Internet. Odds are, you already had a friend share it with you.

But here’s the audio version of it. It’s a beautiful track from the heart. So go ahead – put on your favorite headphones, press “play”, and enjoy.

If you enjoyed this video, then check out Luminita’s talk at Awesomeness Fest on “Turning Wounds Into Wisdom”.