Daily Positive Action Checklist

Daily Positive Action Checklist by John Assaraf

  • Practice relaxing your body, muscle by muscle, throughout the day.
  • Become more aware of your breath. Ask yourself, “How am I feeling about my life in this moment?”
  • Become more aware of your existence right NOW, as opposed to mulling over what just happened or what might happen next.
  • Listen to your intuition.
  • Entertain only positive thoughts.
  • Keep an open mind to unexpected events having unexpectedly positive outcomes, instead of being “interruptions” that interfere with your plans.
  • Assume that events are rearranging themselves to accommodate your dreams.
  • Be observant: notice those little “coincidences” that most people miss or skip over. (Hint: they’re not coincidences.)
  • In each moment, find something to appreciate earnestly.

Daily Positive Action Checklist John Assaraf

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About John Assaraf
John Assaraf is a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of NeuroGym, a brain research company that creates some of the most powerful evidence-based brain retraining tools and programs in the world. In the last 25 years, John has grown 5 multi-million dollar companies in real estate, Internet software, brain research and life and business coaching and consulting. He’s the author of 2 New York Times best-selling books, Having It All and The Answer. John has appeared on almost every major TV program such Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360 and The Ellen Degeneres Show and was featured in the blockbuster movie and book “The Secret” and in the special documentary “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Sir Richard Branson.

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John will be bringing together 5 of the world’s leading neuroscience experts and psychologists to not only shed light on this incredible phenomenon, but also share valuable methods you can adopt immediately to retrain your brain and develop a Money Story of Wealth.

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