The Law Of Attraction and Gay Rights – Abraham-Hicks

Abraham – who is Non-Physical Source Energy as translated by Esther Hicks – responds to a question from a lesbian activist who wants to affect social change in a meaningful “downstream” way. Recorded February 9th, 2008, in San Rafael, California.

Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham, and their latest book, “Money and The Law of Attraction,” reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

For over 20 years, Esther has translated blocks of thought from “Non-Physical Source Energy” – which she also identifies as her “Inner Being” or “Soul” – and who refer to themselves in the plural as “Abraham” (no relation to the Biblical figure).

Esther doesn’t use the word “channeling” to describe her process but understands if others do.

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Read also:  Can We Impact Millions of People?


  1. I am completely blown away. That was amazing, I have never experienced anything quite like that which I have just felt now watching this. WOW. Thankyou so much, I am so grateful.

  2. I was at this gathering!!!! And let me tell you …..tears…..chills…..angels……were all felt in that room!!! Everyone was feeling the power of source….

  3. The speech at the end was SO uplifting. Very inspirational! Gave me chills at the intensity with which it was shared.

  4. “Live your Dream” awesome! Keeping this mindset, I moved to Los Angeles 2 years ago homeless and jobless with little money; now I got a pretty good career launched. Keep yourself aligned and anything is possible.

  5. Best answer on the gay marriage/rights. Yet, Love the answer Beautiful really. Made me feel really good.

  6. Holy ****! This lady is a bad ass! It would seem I’m in DIRE need of this train of thought. lol