Your Dreams Are Not Negotiable

Any personal growth expert will tell you to “Dream BIG”. And to never compromise on your greater vision. But sometimes when the “going gets tough”, it can be difficult to hang on to those dreams.

If you’ve ever been in a similar situation (or you’re in it right now) here’s an amazing video that may just give you that spark of inspiration you need…

This video has a personal story. It was created by Mindvalley employees from Ukraine, some of whom had their families uprooted during the recent political chaos. But the message here is not just for Ukraine…but all human beings facing challenges.

Dreams Are Not Negotiable (full text)

Dreams. Our birthright.
They drive us, move us.
They fire us from the depths of our souls
to create the beautiful the magnificent the impossible.
They push you to go further.
And through our dreams, we can even change reality.

But know this my friend.
Your dreams will be tested.
For the naysayers, the doubt instillers
and the fear-mongers await you at every corner.
Ready to push you down, to hold you back,
and no sooner as you get back to your feet
they will force you into a corner silence
your voice and into your ear they will whisper…
“You’re weak. You can’t do it”

Read also:  The Magic of Knowing Your Dominant Energy Type

So hold your ground.
Don’t demote your dreams to the past tense.
Fight! Fight for what is rightfully yours.
For you are the architect of your future,
and your dreams are the blueprint.
But fight not with bow and arrow, and sword and shield.
Fight the only way you know how, fight with love.
For there is no power greater
and it is love that makes us who we are.

So should our eyes meet amidst the chaos and confusion…
Allow yourself to shine.
For when I see you smile from beyond the ruins,
you give me permission to believe that I too can dream.
So be my muse and I will be your performer, and together…
Let’s dance across the rubble
Play music in the silence
Create art from beyond the void
And together we will be liberated of our fears.

Your dreams are not to be trifled with.
It is a contract you have signed and it is not negotiable.
To dream is your birthright.
Live. Love. Dream.

Written by Adam Zain