6 Tips for Letting Go of Worry & Fully Embracing Your Life

6 Tips for Letting Go of Worry & Fully Embracing Your Life
Are you constantly haunted by the feeling of worry?
If you often find yourself obsessing about the future or dwelling on the past… you’re not alone! The truth is, most people spend a lot of time worrying, (usually about things that never actually happen!), which can negatively affect health, relationships and inner peace…

The good news is – you CAN break this bad habit, and to help you, here are my best 6 tips for letting go of worry and fully embracing your life.

Tip 1 – Set Aside Time to Worry

Instead of worrying all day, designate a 30 minute period of time where you can think about all of your challenges and how you might overcome them. If you find yourself worrying outside of that time, force your mind to another topic.

Tip 2 – Problem Solve

Use your designated worry time productively! Get creative, find solutions to your worries and then confront them head on.

Tip 3 – Let Go of Control

Accept that some things are outside of your control. If you decide that there’s nothing you can do to change a situation…accept it and then let it go.

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Tip 4 – Cultivate Appreciation

If you find yourself constantly worrying, try to focus your mind on things you’re grateful for. When you do this, you’re shifting your energy into a more positive space. And opening yourself up to experience joy rather than stress.

Tip 5 – Love yourself

Be sure to put aside a little time for yourself to relax. Spend time with friends and family and to reconnect. Taking time to love yourself allows you to focus on what’s really important and to shift your mind away from useless worry.

Tip 6 – Be Here, Now

The vast majority of time we worry about things that have already happened or will never happen, which robs us of the joy in the present moment. Practice mindfulness by focusing your attention on the here and now.

Like any habit, it will take consistency to drill this new way of dealing with ‘worry’ into the core of who you are. So I’d suggest getting started today!

Use these tips for letting go of worry and fully embracing your life. 🙂