Visualizing Your Abundant Future: Guided Meditation

When I tried out this Abundance Meditation by Bob Proctor, I knew I just had to share it with you.

Bob Proctor is awesome. And when it comes to attracting abundance, no one really comes close.

This powerful 21-Minute visualization meditation will have all your senses kicking in in minutes! You will step into a new mindset and learn how to create your new and abundant future. And visualizing your abundant future – in every aspect of your life – becomes an absolute breeze.

This track will help you to relax, step back and visualize the abundance which is already there, but which might have not been within your reach yet. It will guide you into a relaxed state of mind and then take you on a guided journey into your future.

Remember – what you Visualize – you ACTUALIZE.

Bob recommends you listen to this every day for a week – to really create shifts in your life. The more you use it, the better results you’ll see.

Try it our for yourself and you’ll understand exactly what I mean. 😉

About Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor is a best-selling author and is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Law of Attraction. He was featured in the The Secret and has worked in the area of mind potential for more than 40 years. He has transformed the lives of many through his books, seminars, courses and personal coaching.

Read also:  Sound Meditation for Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer

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