Forget Setting Goals, Try Setting “Questions” Instead

I think there’s a powerful message in this 3-minutes video by Christie Marie Sheldon. According to Christie (and many other teachers), we humans think in terms of questions. That’s why, she says, asking questions can be a powerful tool for setting goals and success.

What Christie reveals in this short video is how the simple questions we instinctually ask ourselves, especially when things are NOT going our way, can negatively affect our chances of financial success. Questions like:
“How come I’m always broke?”
“How did I get so many bills?”
“Why am I the only one doing all the work?”

Unblock Your Abundance NOW!

According to Christie, it’s these negative questions the are essentially blocking your chances to reach your goals and financial freedom. What she suggests instead is to ask yourself some lofty questions. When you start asking yourself these questions in place of the “knee-jerk” negative questions, things can change quite rapidly. You’ll understand what I mean when you watch this video.

This video is especially ideal for this time of year where so many of us are getting caught up with our “New Year resolutions.” Because what you’ll discover is an elegant method that will accelerate you towards your goals way, way faster than you ever could using traditional setting goals methods. So, before you start writing down your 2017 resolutions, you have to watch this video.

Read also:  Stop Begging! Start Manifesting

Who is Christie Marie Sheldon?

Christie Marie Sheldon is an Intuitive Healer and energetic coach. She connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people’s lives. She has worked with over 20,000 clients, including CEOs and celebrities (including a Nobel prize winner and his wife) and demonstrates these talents on the Radio and in Seminars. Christie was able to identify 24 common blocks to abundance that stops most people from enjoying the abundance they truly desire.

She is the author of the massively popular Unlimited Abundance program. Christie consistently breaks attendance records every time she hosts a new class. If you feel like there’s something blocking you from letting abundance flow into your life, you do not want to miss this special FREE online training!

Unblock Your Abundance NOW!